September 07, 2004

Up the ladder ...

Wow so much excitement, its only a few days before students will start arriving for DTS. Its a brand new year, with many new faces, new lives, new things God is going to do in their lives and in mine. Its hard for me to believe it was me last year stepping out into the unknown by coming to a DTS in Thailand. Now I'm stepping out even further into new unknowns, but once again EXCITEMENT outweighs nervousness or doubts of if I'm going to get through this.

I'm comforted by the picture of God holding a big cushion, to catch me when I fall, and the fact of falling is something I worry less about now than before. I know not going to 'Ace' life, I'm not going to get a perfect '10'. Even if I 'fail' there is great joy and comfort in seeing God working it out for good.

The first time you jump of high diving board it can be extremely scary, even though you've watched others do it before you, there's something different about doing it yourself and surviving, and once you've done it once you'll try it again, this time now a little less hesitant than the time before, eventually you can't wait for the next chance to take another leap.

For me in the past I've watch others take the leap of faith, to jump off the edge, but was wary to do so myself. I've made a few leaps and God has caught me, now I'm ready to take some more maybe from a little bit higher this time, The excitement and tension is building, I'm a little nervous, but watching others jump while I'm down on the ground, doesn't compare to taking the leap myself.

I'm up the ladder ... and to turn around and climb back down would be to fail


Hilde said...

you will land on both feet! we have a word for this in norwegian, when the excitement outweighs the nervousness: artiskummelt, hehe! anyway, I am about to hit send, so... *hugs*

Tom said...

I'll remember that word, that is awesome that you have a word for it ;)

Steve said...

Heh Thomas ... I remember when you were about 18 months old and you used to jump off the edge of our swimming pool into the water, and I or Mum would catch you. You knew no fear, because we were always there to catch you. And we never let you fall or drown.

When you jump next time, your Heavenly Father will be there to catch you.

Reminds me of the words of that song ... "I fall down on my knees , just to get back up on my feet again" ... so true.

Whilst your earthly parents may be distracted, or weak, or not always there for you, your Heavenly Father is never distracted, always strong, and always standing by your side. Remember also that there are no failures in the Kingdom of God. You are living in the Kingdom of God - here and now - and so even the most imperfect person is not a failure - not in God's loving eyes.

Have a great day. Love you heaps, Dad