December 02, 2004


Well the past few weeks has been pretty exciting our trip was an excellent trip, we saw God open many doors, and he went before us every step we took.

Just before we went, my laptop screen broke, now that I'm back my cd player broke.
Now all I got left is my Bible, and it just so happens that this week is teaching on getting into the Word everyday and how to do it. God's timing is so perfect. I'm going to a mountain where there isn't much to do, going there for my final outreach. So exciting to see what I learn without all the distractions around me.


Hilde said...

i need to learn a lot too, without distraction. it's called economics :(

unfortunately my computer and cd player are both functioning. what to do, what to do?

anyways, i'm glad you had such a great time in China. Bless you, mate!

Anonymous said...

Hey Tom, when you get the time I would love to hear more about the trip into China. Are you going to Doi Inthanon for outreach??????????? If so then you will have alot of time to spend with God and go deeper in the Word and there is not much distraction either. maybe Ill be able to catch you on MSN soon.
Have a great Day!
Chiang Mai DTS 03-04

Kara said...

hey. well i'm just looking around on different Christian blogs. It's pretty neat. just wanted to say I agree that God's timing is pretty awesome sometimes. He knows what's best for us, and it's awesome when we give our lives to Him. anyways, later