August 23, 2007

helpless, but not hopeless

I feel so utterly helpless right now, there are way too many things out of my control ... weddings / lack of finances / lack of time / lack of understanding / too many trips to pay for / too many things to organise / too many unknowns.

If I do the maths, it leaves me with negative time, negative money, so it doesn't look like it should work out... and I know I cant make it work... but there's a power greater than mine at work.

God I'm helpless, but thankyou for not leaving me hopeless.

I've had questions, without answers
I've known sorrow, i have known pain
but theres one thing, that i'll cling to
you are faithful, Jesus your true

when hope is lost, i'll call you saviour
when pain surrounds, i'll call you healer
when silence falls, you'll be the song within my heart

lyrics by Tim Hughes


Hilde said...

Yeah, join the club.

I bet you don't watch Tyra show, wahaha! But i do sometimes, mostly because the jingle rocks;

'I put one foot in front of the other, keep on moving forward and let God do the rest..'

(but the original version is much better ofcourse.)

And you're getting married!!! That's worth some worries and fights and sleepless nights, for sure!

Jess said...

i so appreciate ur honesty and genuiness in ur posts... thanks again for the inspiration =)