June 03, 2008


I love food ... especially food that is full of intense flavors, whether it be Somtam (Spicy Thai Papaya Salad), or Sushi with a load of punishing Wasabi. Something though that I miss from back home is a good dose of greasy salty chips (thick cut fries). Its REALLY dissapointing though when get some food and it doesn't come with the full flavour you were expecting... its just not what its supposed to be... its a letdown. Chips just don't taste any good without salt. One time I ordered chips and the cook must have had a real moment and had put sugar on instead of salt. It was disgusting... I mean it just wasn't salty. That batch of perfectly good chips had been spoiled forever.

Sometimes I wonder if I'm not salty, after all we were called to be the salt of the earth. We were supposed to give this earth the flavour that it needs. Are we being salty or are putting other flavours into the recipie. Sometimes we feel like adding something we add it, sometimes we feel like doing something we just to do it. but what this earth really needs is salt. Guess what we as believers are called to be that salt... but how... maybe by going and helping the poor , or standing up for what is morally right ... well maybe. But when I was reading Mark 9:50 I realised that we can't be salty "out there" until we're salty with each other.

Mark 9:50 Salt is good for seasoning. But if it loses its flavor, how do you make it salty again? You must have the qualities of salt among yourselves and live in peace with each other.

We shouldn't go slagging off at our Pentecostal or Catholic brother one day and try to share the love of God to someone at work the next... it just doesn't work.

You know why I think we're supposed to be salty, because when you eat something that is salty it makes you thirsty!
We as salt should be making others thirsty for the living water, REALLY THIRSTY for Jesus Christ, not just leaving a bad taste in their mouth.


Shane said...

Great post bro!
What you said right at the end makes me really think! We are to be really SALTY so people get really THRISTY!!! Amen

Unknown said...

Wow! This is an eye opener and a reminder as well..