July 02, 2004

And he will make the weak strong

I saw this quote on This blog
It was taken from relevantmagazine.com
It encouraged me, and I really needed to be reminded of some of the things God was teaching me not so long ago ... it is easy to forget what God has taught you, when you start focusing on the wrong things.

"the goal is to come to the end of our own power. Just as Christ came to the cross without a scrap of His divine power, so we live our lives in a state of weakness, for only there can God truly reveal His power in us. die to everything we hope people will admire about us, and any personal desire for power, fame , wealth, public speaking or influence. in the places where we are angry and depressed, abandoned without hope or simply confused about how to think or believe, that is an opening for God to be present among us. it doesnt matter how much you dress yourself up, how well you learn to hide your sin from people, better for you to come out, and actually better, and i really do mean better--like you will be more filled with joy--to be able to say, 'you know what? know me for who i really am. im completely exposed. heres my sin; heres my Savior; ive got nothing to hide. ive got nothing to be ashamed of. ive got no fear. im totally filled with joy because im liberated, 'cause im exposed, but im not scared. and thats because i know that Gods favor for me is based on Jesus. im not scared to tell you who i really am. im not scared to tell you what my sins really are, not just the ones im comfortable with, but my real sins. im not afraid to tell you, and thats because im not condemned by them anymore, and thats because i believe Jesus is sufficient" - relevantmagazine.com


Katy said...

Hi Tom, you don't know me, but I'm Katy, an MK who's grown up in Asia. I recently began blogging and was checking out some bloggers who are interested in missions. I thought your site was neat; I'm impressed with your heart for Asia! It's so encouraging to me, because Asia's my home. I hope you have fun in Thailand--it's a favorite country of mine. I was just there last week visiting friends; now I'm in Malaysia, where I lived for three years, visiting my family. I grew up in Indonesia, though, since I was three. I just wanted to drop a note and encourage you in your work for God; you are SO right, He does make the weak strong! I pray He will use your strengths for His glory, and will use your weaknesses to make His glory even greater. God's blessings!

Veronica said...

Hey, good to know you're feeling better and that you passed Thai Kindergarten! Great job :-)

Relevant has some pretty cool stuff...I think I've strayed away from the path God is showing me, and that's definitely something I needed to hear to keep me in line...thanks for sharing!

Hope you're doing well! God bless ya!

Katy said...

Hi again...I found an article that reminded me, somewhat, of the excerpt you'd put on your blog about making the weak strong. Didn't know if it would be relevant or encourage you, but I thought I'd share it with you just in case. The link is http://www.jesusfreakhideout.com/devotionals/blessingsfortheweak.asp
God's blessings again...enjoy Thailand!