May 23, 2004

I'm an INFP

Introverted (I) 61.76% Extroverted (E) 38.24%
Imaginative (N) 56.76% Realistic (S) 43.24%
Emotional (F) 59.46% Intellectual (T) 40.54%
Easygoing (P) 57.14% Organized (J) 42.86%
Your type is: INFP
You are an Idealist, possible professions include - information-graphics designer, college professor, researcher, legal mediator, social worker, holistic health practitioner, occupational therapist, diversity manager, human resource development specialist, employment development specialist, minister/priest/rabbi, missionary, psychologist, writer
Take Free Career Inventory Personality Test
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I just took this test which Veronica pointed out :)
turns out missionary is something that I'd be suited for ... hehe just as well :D


Veronica said...

Here's to fellow Idealists :-)

Tom said...

yes ... INFP all the way :)